Product Specifications

Bitumen PG 58-22

Test title Explanations Standard Range Test Method
min max
Penetration at 25°C,(100 g,5 sec),mm/10 REPORT ASTM D5 / INSO 2950
Softening Point °C REPORT ASTM D36 / INSO 3868
Flash Point (Cleveland Open Cup),°C 232 ** ASTM D92 / INSO 198
Kinematic Viscosity at 135°c , Pa.s ** 3 ASTM D2170 / INSO 12855
Dynamic Shear (DSR) 58 °C, G*/sina, kPa 1 ** ASTM D7175
Dynamic Shear (DSR) 58 °C, G*/sina, kPa 2.2 ** ASTM D7175
Change of Mass % ** 1 ASTM D1754 / INSO 2957
Test on residue After PAV @100 °C (ASTM D6521)
Dynamic Shear (DSR) 22 °C, G*/sina, kPa ** 5000 ASTM D7175
Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) S @ -12°C 60s , Mpa ** 300 ASTM D6648
Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) m @ -12°C 0.3 ** ASTM D6648

Available Packaging Options:

bitumen steel drums
bitumen jumbo bag


What is Performance Bitumen (PG)? Performance-graded (PG) bitumen is a type of bitumen that is graded based on its performance at different temperatures. In the super-pave grading system, binders are classified based on their performance in extreme hot and cold temperatures and are called performance-grade bitumen. Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) offers a method and algorithm for calculating the temperature of the pavement based on the temperature of the air above. This relatively new approach to classifying bitumen is based on temperature variations and is a completely scientific method for studying the mechanical properties of bitumen. This method specifies a temperature range for bitumen, allowing consumers to select the required product. The highest and lowest temperatures of the pavement are estimated based on this method, and the bitumen that works effectively in that temperature range is selected.